Category Archives: Blog With BEB

USPS Rate Comparison First Class

In an order issued on November 9th, the Postal Regulatory Commission(PRC) approved the Postal Service’s proposed prices for market-dominant products. In its 63-page decision, the PRC found that the proposed rates do not violate the price cap and that the workshare discounts meet statutory requirements; proposed classification changes also were approved.

Earlier the commission also approved USPS price changes for competitive products.

As a result, the price changes announced last month by the USPS will be implemented as planned on January 21, 2018.  Below is a price comparison chart for First Class Rates.  For a downloadable PDF of the January First Class Rates, click here.

USPS Rate Comparison Marketing Mail

In an order issued on November 9th, the Postal Regulatory Commission(PRC) approved the Postal Service’s proposed prices for market-dominant products. In its 63-page decision, the PRC found that the proposed rates do not violate the price cap and that the workshare discounts meet statutory requirements; proposed classification changes also were approved.

Earlier the commission also approved USPS price changes for competitive products.

As a result, the price changes announced last month by the USPS will be implemented as planned on January 21, 2018.  Below is a price comparison chart for Marketing Mail Rates.  For a downloadable PDF of the January Marketing Mail Rates, click here.

USPS Rate Comparison – NP Rates

In an order issued on November 9th, the Postal Regulatory Commission(PRC) approved the Postal Service’s proposed prices for market-dominant products. In its 63-page decision, the PRC found that the proposed rates do not violate the price cap and that the workshare discounts meet statutory requirements; proposed classification changes also were approved.

Earlier the commission also approved USPS price changes for competitive products.

As a result, the price changes announced last month by the USPS will be implemented as planned on January 21, 2018.  Below is a price comparison chart for Nonprofit Rates.  For a downloadable PDF of the January Nonprofit Rates, click here.

December 2017 QR Code

It’s the last QR Code of 2017!  But no fear, our 2018 calendars are in the works.  In the meantime, scan our last 2017 QR Code for a fun 1-minute video!
You can also check it out here.

Postal Partner Appointed to MTAC

Congratulations to our ‘Postal Partner’ and Industry colleague, Tom Glassman.  Tom has been appointed to serve on the U.S. Postmaster General’s Mailers’ Technical Advisory Committee (MTAC), for a six-year term.

Tom will be representing Idealliance.  David Steinhardt, Idealliance President said, “Tom’s insight and extensive experience in mailing, as well as his service with the association’s mailing Working Groups, give him a wealth of knowledge he can draw from to contribute to the important work of MTAC.”

“I am excited about the opportunity to serve as a representative to MTAC,” says Glassman. “To have the chance to be involved in the activities of the two core working groups in the mailing industry—Idealliance and MTAC—provides the power to really move the mailing industry forward.”

Glassman is Director of Data Services & Postal Affairs at Wilen Direct, serves on the Idealliance Postal Operations & Technologies Council, and is Chair of the association’s Education Working Group, which last year launched MailPro®, a mail and postal education certification program with more than 1,000 enrollees. He has also been actively involved with MTAC working and user groups for some years. A graduate of Babson College, he is a USPS certified Mailpiece Design Consultant (MDC) and Mail Design Professional (MDP) and has earned Idealliance Mail Professional certification.

Tom has worked closely with BEB for the past 5-years and we consider him a ‘member of the BEB family’.  Congratulations, Tom.