When preparing a direct mail campaign for prospecting new business, be sure and take advantage of the wealth of expanding demographics that are available today.
So much data is being collected, and a lot of it is self reported, allowing for a wide variety of demographics to select. Before you purchase your next prospecting list, take the time to
research the criteria of your best customer. Then use that criteria to select your list.
In addition to the tried and true staples such as age, income, and occupation; additional
demographics available today include:
- Lender Information
- Buying Activity | Average Spent
- Vehicle types
Primary or Secondary
- Vehicle types
- Children in the Household
- Generations in Household
- Hobbies & Lifestyle Indicators
- Newlyweds
- Newly Divorced
- Type of Vacations:
Cruise - Social Concerns
- Music Preferences
- Pets
Data from a source known as an ailment file is also available. Due to the nature of the data collected, there are a few restrictions that include pre-approval of art. However the data is reliable and net excellent returns. Data available from ailment files include:
- Acne
- Allergies
- Birth Control
- Bladder Leakage
- Diabetes
- Hair Loss
- And more
Business list compilers are expanding their available demographics to include:
- Expenses
- Advertising
- Payroll
- Rent and Lease
- Sales Volume
- Square Footage
- Woman Owned
Even saturation or walk sequence data is benefiting. Compilers stack the saturation file with consumer data and aggregate at the carrier route level enabling mailers to take advantage of the carrier route walk sequence postal rates.
Don’t limit your data when launching your next direct mail campaign. Expand your criteria
selects and watch your return expand too. With the data selects available today, we could probably find a list of skateboardinggrandmas!