Category Archives: Blog With BEB


There are multiple methods available to monitor the outcomes of your direct mail campaigns. One of the quickest and easiest approaches is through tracking your website traffic. Regardless of the size of your mailing, you can typically expect to observe a significant boost in website traffic, often showing double-digit increases with each campaign.

Other ways to track your results include:

  • Create a unique redemption codes for each channel you use to market. This way, when a customer redeems an offer or discount, you can trace it back to the specific medium used.
  • In order to receive the offer, require customers to bring the mailer to the store. This method provides immediate feedback on engagement levels.
  • Use dedicated phone numbers so that when customers call a specific number, you can track their responses and record the necessary information. Many companies offer this service and it is very affordable.
  • Include a QR code on the direct mail that directs customers to a specific landing page or form. By tracking the number of scans, you can gauge the response rate.
  • Include response cards or coupons with your campaign. Customers can fill out the information or bring the coupon to your store, allowing you to track the number of responses received.

Using these methods, you can gather data on response rates, conversion rates, and the overall success of your direct mail campaign. Having this information can help you analyze and optimize future marketing efforts.


Tracking direct mail responses is important for several reasons. Firstly, it allows you to determine the effectiveness of your direct mail campaigns. By tracking responses, you can see how many people are engaging with your mailers, which gives you valuable insights into your campaign’s performance.

Additionally, tracking direct mail responses helps you measure your return on investment (ROI). By knowing the number of responses and calculating the revenue generated from those responses, you can evaluate whether your direct mail campaign is cost-effective. This information is crucial for future decision-making and budget allocation.

Furthermore, tracking responses enables you to refine your targeting and messaging strategies. By analyzing the characteristics of those who respond to your mailers, you can gain a better understanding of your target audience and tailor your future campaigns accordingly. This allows you to increase the likelihood of attracting qualified leads and converting them into customers.

In summary, tracking direct mail responses allows you to measure campaign effectiveness, determine ROI, and refine your marketing strategies. It provides valuable data-driven insights to optimize your direct mail efforts and improve your overall marketing performance.

KISS! Keep It Simple, Seriously!

When creating your messaging for direct mail, remember to Keep It Simple…Seriously! Make sure your offer is clear, the call to action you are seeking is concise, and don’t forget the basics! Make sure your piece includes your name and address. If it’s brick & mortar, add a map.  Make sure the phone number and website are correct too!


According to, 75% of their survey respondents say they are likely to use coupons they received in the mail — even more than those who plan to use coupons received by email or found online.

Be sure to include an offer with your direct mail campaigns. You can create a sense of urgency; time-sensitive offers can get customers into your store during off times of the week. Offer a discount on multiple purchases. These types of offers increase sales and allow for easy tracking of return on your campaigns.


The holiday marketing race is ON, and it’s crucial for you to have a clear understanding of your target demographics. By identifying your best customers, and targeting prospects who share similar characteristics, you will enhance the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. Our advanced demographic insight and analysis (called a SNAPSHOT), provide real-time information that can help you achieve this goal. We start by analyzing your customer list and comparing it with our extensive database of U.S. consumers or businesses. Using this information, we create a tailored market penetration analysis customized to you. What sets this analysis apart is the additional layers of overlaid data that provide deeper insights into your customers. Armed with this knowledge, you can market more intelligently to your existing clients and confidently pursue potential customers with a well-defined roadmap.

Our SNAPSHOT demographics include:

  • Individual Age
  • Child Ages
  • Estimated Net Worth
  • Gender
  • Estimated Income
  • Wealth Rating
  • And More

Call us for a SNAPSHOT of your clients today!


Lob and Comperemedia partnered and published The 2023 State of Direct Mail: Consumer Insights report. This report unveils consumer data and actionable insights from a survey of 2,000 consumers aged 18+ to understand their usage, preferences, and engagement with direct mail.

The study shows that the most likely read direct mail formats for healthcare are:

42% – Letters and Envelopes

40% – Brochures

32% – Postcards

24% – Magazines & Catalogs