Category Archives: Blog With BEB

Create Your Marketing Strategy in 4 Easy Steps – Did it Work?

The holidays are over, and things are quieting down a little. It is time for you review your efforts and determine if it worked. We suggest that you block out 3-5 hours for just one day so you can really see the results. Study and do the math.

  • Was the time and money spent worth the results?
  • Did your sales exceed your original plan?
  • Study your website traffic compared to sales and when your marketing steps were executed.

For example, we find that after a direct mail campaign has delivered, almost 100% of the time, website traffic for that business increases by double digits. Study to see if your store sales also increased during those accelerated periods.

Review sales compared to your social paid advertisements and your organic posts. Taking the uninterrupted time to research and study your results will guide you through your next quarterly marketing strategy. You will know exactly where you need to reduce and/or increase your marketing dollars and time.