ROI – A Summer Camp Direct Mail Success Story

We have a local stables as a client. We manage their website, do their social media and email marketing, and supply them with signs and other printing. They asked us to help boost sales for their summer camps and we turned to direct mail for the answer.

First we pulled a list within a 5-mile radius of the stables. We selected families with a presence of children aged 5-15yrs, and an annual household income of $175K +. That netted 2,585 addresses.

We created a 6X11 postcard highlighting the camps. Camps are sold for $499 per child. Cost to purchase the list, create, print, and fulfill the mailing, with postage totaled $1,200.00.  Our client received 19 summer camp registrations from the mailer, that totaled $9,481.00 in sales. That represents a 790% Return.  No matter how you look at it, Direct Mail Works.


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