Webster defines the word extraordinary as something very unusual, or remarkable. Election results and the Cubs winning the World Series are two examples of the many amazing things that happened over the past year. BEB had an extraordinary year as well. Our service offerings became more strategic to align with the changing needs of our clients. We saw a return to “good old fashioned” direct mail marketing as our mail processing services increased by double digits for a second year in a row. Direct mail does work. Our digital and offset printing orders remained steady, and clients utilized our wide format and signage capabilities more than ever before. Attendance to our Marketing for Small Business classes surpassed over 200 and we plan to incorporate additional topics for the Fall and Winter Advanced Series this year. We expanded our capacity with the addition of another high-speed ink jet, and upgraded our
digital press as well. We are extremely grateful to our clients, partners, and staff, and sincerely appreciate your business and collaboration.
As we look ahead, we approach the coming year with cautious optimism and are focused on controlled growth while enhancing our quality in manufacturing and client service. We will continue to strengthen our core competencies as a marketing production company, and focus on new ways to remove pain points for our new and existing clients. Agility and strong customer alliances have been at the forefront of our success, and remain our primary focus throughout 2017.
In this issue of The Bureau, we’ll introduce you to some new faces at BEB. We’ll outline the recently changed postal rates and give details of the upcoming Marketing for Small Business curriculum schedule, for both the spring and summer advanced series. We will share some of the honors earned over the past 12-months, and reveal more about the beautiful images of Texas used in this year’s calendar. Lastly, we’ll share some of our favorite moments and people from 2016.
We take pleasure and great pride in servicing our customers, and we hope you enjoy this edition of
The Bureau. Thank you for your business and partnership.

Ron Royall | President & CEO