Tag Archives: QR Code

BEB Wins Gold AVA Digital Award

AVA DIGITAL AWARDS LOGOWe are thrilled to share that BEB is the recipient of a distinguished 2014 Gold AVA Digital Award.  The award recognizes outstanding achievement by creative professionals involved in the concept, direction, design and production of media that is part of the evolution of digital communication.  Work ranges from audio and video productions-to websites and social media sites that present interactive components such as video, animation, blogs and podcasts.

Our winning entry was for the use of a QR Code.  We connected a video to our Holiday Cards (click here) which linked to a holiday message video (which can be seen by clicking here.)

This year’s competition received over 2,000 entries from across the globe.  The AVA Digital Awards is sponsored and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP).  This international organization consists of several thousand production, marketing, production, advertising, public relations, and free-lance professionals.

We are proud to have received this prestigious honor, and it is our first award for video marketing.  We thank all of our valued clients and partners for continued opportunities!

BEB is the proud recipient of a distinguished Gold AVA Digital Award!  The award recognizes outstanding achievement by creative professionals involved in the concept, direction, design and production of media that is part of the evolution of digital communication.  Our winning entry was for a company “seasons greetings” video connected to a QR Code included in our holiday cards.

The competition this year received over 2,000 entries from across the globe.  The AVA Digital Awards is sponsored and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP).  This international organization consists of several thousand production, marketing, advertising and free-lance professionals.  This is our first award for video marketing and we are very proud to receive this prestigious honor.  We thank all of our valued clients and partners for continued opportunities to serve them!

You can see our winning entry and how the QR Code was used by clicking here.