Category Archives: Blog With BEB



Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP)

BEB was awarded the AVA Digital Award for outstanding achievement by creative professionals involved in the concept, direction, design and production of media that is part of the evolution of digital communication. Our first place winning entry was for the use of QR Codes in our annual company interactive calendars.

The competition received over 2,500 entries from across the globe. The AVA Digital Awards is sponsored and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP). This international organization consists of several thousand production, marketing, advertising and free-lance professionals.


This annual regional print competition recognizes the finest printed materials produced by leading printers and designers in this region. We competed with over 300 participants representing over 40 companies in the Houston area. BEB is thrilled to have received three (3) honors:

Award of Merit BEB 2015 Interactive Calendars
Award of Excellence Enroll Gulf Coast Postcard – The City of Houston
Best of Direct Mail Enroll Gulf Coast Postcard – The City of Houston

The Helsley Lifetime Achievement Award
Epicomm Southwest

Epicomm-Southwest presented its lifetime achievement honor, The Helsley Family Award, to our Joy ZeVector yellow metal golden on bronze plaque with curve on the wooden backgroundhrbach, BEB Vice President.

The presentation was made at the association’s 2015 annual convention in April. Since its inception in 1971, this award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated a long history of significant and outstanding achievement in the marketing service provider industry. It can only be won once, and past recipients select each new winner.  Zehrbach is the third member of BEB to be honored with the award. Ron Royall, President and CEO was given the distinguished honor last year, and his father, Robert “Bob” Royall, founder of BEB-Texas, was presented with the award in 2001.

Winner of Distinction
Houston Better Business bureau
2015-05-13 Houston BBB Awards for Excellence Winner of Distinction
This honor is in recognition of a company’s commitment to quality in the workplace and superior service to the community and businesses served. Less than .2% of companies in the Houston area are honored with this prestigious award! Judges base their decision on 10 factors surrounding each business which include changes within an industry and how the company has adapted to those changes, how the organization stays on top of the latest processes, technology and trends, and how the business has contributed to the betterment of their industry.

BEB is delighted to have been selected as a Houston BBB Winner of Distinction.

The Bureau 2015 Year in Review


2015 was a year of tremendous change at BEB. As many of you already know, my father and former President Emeritus Robert “Bob” Royall passed away in November. We are a family owned business.  My brother Ro (Executive Vice President) and I had the pleasure of running the operation alongside my father for over 20 years. His passing has had a profound and lasting impact on all of us, and his legacy remains strong. Thank you to everyone that reached out to us regarding our loss. We are deeply moved by the outpouring of condolences, and appreciated hearing so many stories about how my father touched so many lives. As we sustain the solid foundation of the company he cultivated, we face the coming year with confidence and clear direction. He is deeply missed.

Our business continued to transform during 2015. Existing clients required a deeper, moreBOB WITH THE BOYS BUSINESS EXTENSION BUREAU'S THE BUREAU comprehensive relationship and demanded broader service offerings to meet their needs. Data acquisition and mining increased over the past year, as did our digital fronts including, website design, email marketing and social media services. We saw a steady growth in printing (digital, offset and large format), and direct mail climbed doubled digits as our clients continue to see the value of direct mail marketing.

Based on the current political and economic climate, we anticipate the coming year to be a challenge on many levels. We believe that marketing dollars will be scrutinized, campaigns will be more closely monitored, and higher returns expected. As a result, our goal for 2016 is to continue expansion of our service offerings while strengthening our core competency as a marketing production company. Because we believe that companies will expect more from fewer people, the need for a partnership with our clientele is more valuable than ever. We will continue to be extremely agile and promise to develop stronger connections with you, our valued clients and partners.

This marks our 4th year of the annual “Year in Review” edition of The Bureau. In this issue, we’ll introduce you to our newest Business Development Manager, Kathy N. Hall, formerly with the United Postal Service, we’ll reveal some new service offerings and review highlights from the past year. We included updates on postal rate increases, and changing marketing patterns within the social media world as well as information on our upcoming Marketing for Small Business Seminar Series- The Basics (blogging, social media, email marketing and SEO) that started in February.  In April we offer three new intermediate classes that focus on social media for business on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.

We hope your 2016 is a great year, and thank you for your business and partnership.


Signature - Ron Royall


Ron Royall – CEO


USPS 2015 Annual Compliance Report

2016-01-27 BEB TEXAS BLOG USPS PRODUCTS UNDER WATERStandard Mail Flats and Four Other Products are Under Water, says USPS 2015 Annual Compliance Report

The Postal Service™ filed its Annual Compliance Report for FY2015 with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) on December 29, 2015. The purpose of the report is to show that the products were in compliance. While most market dominant products covered costs, five were under water. Here are the highlights of the report.

Most market dominant products covered costs except Standard Mail Flats, Standard Mail Parcels, Periodicals, Media Mail®/Library Mail and Inbound Single Piece First-Class Mail International Mail. More specifically, Read More…

Postal reform consensus develops; 5-day delivery dead

2016-01-20 BEB TEXAS BLOG 5 DAY DELIVERY DEADFor many years, postal reform was the poster child of a do-little Congress.

Each U.S. Postal Service financial report was more bleak than the last, accompanied by increasingly dire doomsday predictions. Yet pleas for help generated much talk on Capitol Hill and no action. Management and labor had stark differences, controversial plans to end six-day mail delivery sucked up much of the energy, and the acidic partisan divide always loomed.

There’s still plenty of talk, as demonstrated at a three-hour Senate hearing Thursday. But movement now seems more likely than it has in a long time.

Critical points of legislation introduced by Sen. Thomas R. Carper (D-Del.) were embraced at the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing.   Read more…

USPS Shipping Prices increase 9.5%


USPS Shipping Prices will increase an average of 9.5% on Sunday, 1/17/2016

The USPS will increase prices on most of their competitive Shipping Service products on Sunday 1/17/2016. The complete document filed with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) may be found here. The highlights of the average % increase by product are:
• Priority Mail Express – 15.6%
• Priority Mail – 9.8%
• Parcel Select – 3.1%
• First-Class Package Service – 12.8%
• International Package Services – 3.5% – 21.6%
You may obtain the complete list of new prices on the USPS Postal Explorer website.  Final Shipping Services pricing can be found below:

Copy of Jan 2016 Final Shipping Services Prices 11.20.15-1

What Skills Should Marketers Master in 2016?

2016-01-13 BEB TEXAS BLOG - WHAT SKILLS SHOULD MARKETERS MASTER IN 2016The proficiencies marketers need to succeed today are rapidly changing and expanding; some are more urgent to master than others.

The skills that marketers need to succeed are rapidly changing and expanding. Today it’s no longer enough to have a creative flair or a knack for data analysis or even deep expertise within a specific channel. Marketers need to broaden and deepen their proficiencies in everything from segmentation and measurement, to analytics and tech skills, to customer engagement and change management.

Read predictions from, 14 marketing insiders, each with a unique perspective on the marketing industry, for the skill it’s most important for marketers to master in 2016 and why. Read more…