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Tag Archives: TX
June 2017 QR Code
Have you scanned your June QR code from the 2017 BEB-Business Extension Bureau calendar?
We have a special message for you!
You can also click here to see it!
Happy Father’s Day
George Springer’s All Star Bowling for SAY.ORG
BEB was in full force for the 2nd annual George Springer’s All Star Bowling Event benefiting SAY.ORG (Stuttering Association for the Young). All proceeds go to CAMP SAY, a life-changing summer camp for kids & teens who stutter.
This all star event was held at Lucky Strike in downtown Houston and raised over $40K. It was a great way to raise money for an excellent cause and a chance to see a lot of “Who is Who” of Houston.
USPS Halts Closures
USPS halts plan to consolidate and close processing facilities
The Postal Service has suspended its plans to consolidate or close processing facilities in 2015.
According to documents on the USPS website, the closures and consolidations dates of all plants were changed from 2015 to “to be determined,” with the exception of three plants in Asheville, N.C., Houston, Texas and Queens, N.Y.
The USPS planned to close up to 82 mail processing facilities this year and expected to save about $750 million a year by closing those facilities – money that it desperately needs after the agency recorded losses in 21 of the last 23 quarters.
The Bureau – A Letter from our CEO
Houston, TX- We are already over half-way through the first quarter of 2015 and the year seems to be moving at lightning speed.
As our executive team planned for the coming year, we determined that our business must become even more nimble and adapt to the changing economic climate, quickly. In fact, I believe that the only consistency in our economy today, is change.
Texas has a new governor for the first time in 14 years, and the price of oil is dropping at accelerated rates. Houston led the country with 125,300 new jobs created in December, while the Federal Reserve announced in January that the state will lose approximately 125,000 jobs due to lower oil prices by mid-2015.

Social media marketing was a primary marketing strategy for several clients last year, and netted amazing results.
As the economy is ever changing, we see that our client’s needs are consistently changing too. As a result, our service offerings and skill sets are evolving to ensure we continue to serve our customers well.
Last year we expanded deeper into social media marketing, websites, wide format printing, and created several marketing strategies for a wide variety of companies.
Our primary focus for this year is to continue to develop new ways to help our clients market smarter. We’ll execute with greater agility and speed, and keep you informed of the latest industry happenings.
And so, in this edition of The Bureau, we review details of the recent USPS postal increase request, offer information on upcoming Marketing for Small Business classes, and share results of some of our marketing campaigns from 2014.
As always, we sincerely thank you for your business and partnership and look forward to serving your needs in the coming year.
Marketing for Small Business Fall Seminar Series Review
The final 2014, Marketing for Small Business Seminar Series kicks off next week with with our Blogging class on Wednesday, October 29, 2014 between 11:30 – 1:00pm.
We have compiled results from the over 48 surveys submitted by participants since the inception of this program in July; and are proud to share the results! 90% of the respondents rated the classes as Excellent, 70% attended multiple classes within the series, and 97.3% said they would recommend classes to their friends and colleagues.
Each class covers a specific topic and is focused on teaching ways that small businesses can market using leading-edge technology without “breaking the bank” or having to hire a large staff to execute the plan. The classes (Blogging, Social Media, Two Mails: Direct Mail | e-mail, and Search Engine Optimization) are limited to a maximum of 8 people to keep interaction at a high level and allow for personalized teaching. For details and registration on the remaining classes, click here.
Our students gave specific examples of what they thought was good about the seminars. See below for a glance at a few highlights:
Our valued graduates let us know that they are looking for additional class offerings as well. We are currently creating content for the most requested subjects and will offer continuing education in the first quarter of 2015. The new curriculum will include more guest lecturers and expanded content from the our original series. In case you missed one of the original sets or would like to recommend someone, we will continue to offer the introduction of Marketing For Small Business Series once each quarter in 2015.
We look forward to working with more new companies and expanding our relationship with our existing clients through further education of Marketing for Small Business.
Thank you!
Letter From The President
Houston, TX-News agencies continue to report that we are in economic recovery and that commerce is booming. As a business owner, I’m still uncertain it’s going to stay the course. A recent survey conducted by CNN-Manta polled 1,500 small business owners nationwide and the economy remains the number one concern (28%)
It’s hard not to be a bit skeptical however, we are seeing some very positive trends. Many of our clients & partners businesses have grown this year. We too have enjoyed growth in our business for 2014.
21% of participants of The CNN-Manta survey said that growing sales is their number one concern. As a full service marketing production company, we appreciate that concern. The questions surrounding how exactly a company goes about growing sales is daunting. Hiring additional sales people, adding expensive equipment or investing in expanding your marketing strategy are all viable options.
Marketing to grow sales has changed so radically over the past 5-years and it continues to evolve. Data is crucial to the success of any marketing strategy and data compilation is one of our core competencies. As many of you may remember, we compiled the Harris, Travis, Dallas and Tarrant County Business Guides for over 30 years.
Today, we are one of the largest Consumer Banktruptcy Data compilers in the United States. Our over 20 million record database contains information on the chapter, filings and discharges. We gather data directly from courthouses across the nation daily, then enhance the data using the USPS Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS) Software.
We also offer consumer, business, and residential data and provide an amazing tool called The Snapshot. It is a comprehensive data analysis used to identify trends within your customer base. It will help to identify criteria that will allow you to search for more new clients, and ensure your marketing messages “speak” to your audience. Read more about our data expertise in this issue.
Over the summer we conducted a Seminar Series on how to market your business. We held four, 1 hour classes that educated participants on blogging, social media, search engine optimization and the two mails, direct mail & e-mail. Each of the classes sold out quickly. We received tremendous reviews and have been asked to offer the classes again. We listened. Details about Fall seminars can be found by clicking here.
We hope that the economic recovery continues for the long haul and we are thankful to our clients and partners for their business. Have a great fall season!
Ron Royall
President, CEO
BEB-Business Extension Bureau
Informative and Measurable Marketing Tools – Email Blast Results
90-days ago, BEB-Business Extension Bureau was asked to manage a local industry trade association’s e-mail and social media marketing. We’re excited to see the progress made in just a few months!
Open rates have increased by 6.1%. Bounce rates have decreased by 1% (2% under the industry average) and Opt-Outs dropped by 0.1%. This chart shows the industry average rates (blue), the trade association’s first quarter activity (red) and activity since we were asked to manage the program (green). Tracking results enables us to make any necessary adjustments and keeps focus on the end goals of marketing. If you’re not using e-mail marketing in your current suite of marketing, you’re missing out on a powerful, inexpensive and very informative tool.
Check out our “How To: E-mail” classes in August and September.
Happy Independence Day!
BEB Texas wishes you a safe and happy holiday!
Click here for our special (and cute!) 4th of July message!