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Tag Archives: twitter
Marketing for Small Bus Class Reviews
Summer Classes SOLD OUT
Today our Marketing for Small Business Summer Seminar Series completely SOLD OUT! This is our 4th series in a row to fill to capacity, and we are so excited. Can’t wait to meet the many exciting businesses and entrepreneurs attending. The classes are always interactive and a hotbed for learning.
Our next scheduled series is Marketing for Small Business, The Basics to be scheduled in January 2018.
Which Social Media Platform is Best for Your Business
Which platform is best for your business? The best way to determine that is to find out who is on those platforms.
Referencing data from the Pew Research Center’s Annual Internet Project Survey, 72% of adults online are on Facebook. 28% are on Instagram, 25% on LinkedIN, and 23% are on Twitter.
There are more women than men on Facebook and Instagram. Though almost even, LinkedIN
and Twitter have more men users than women.
Young adults are still the most likely to use social media. 90% of online adults ages 18-29 are active while 77% aged 30-49 are also active on social media. However, the fastest growing segment are adults aged 50-64. 51% are engaged on a social platform (up 5% from 2005), and 35% of adults aged 65+ partake in the medium. That’s up from 2% in 2005.
The study reviews income and education demographics of multiple social platforms as well. By reviewing each of the demographics, you will see a general profile of the people using specific social sites. Here’s a couple of quick reviews:
Founded in 2004, this 12-year old platform is the most used social site. It’s been around the longest too. An entire generation has “grown up” on it.
70% of Facebook users check their account daily. On average, users check their account 14 times a day.
This 10-year old platform touts 313 million active monthly users. Over 50 million tweets are posted daily. Who is posting all of that information?
36% of Twitter’s users check their account daily.
Adding an interesting mix to the fold are the statistics showing people on multiple platforms. Over 25% of online adults are engaged in more than one social network while 17% are on three. This is growing trend worth watching.
You can learn more about “who” is on “which” platform by attending our Marketing for Small Business Social Media Classes.
Your business should be active on at least one social platform. Advertising is inexpensive, it helps your search engine optimization (at no cost), and enables your clients (both existing and potential) to interact with you. If you know who your clients are, choose the platform that has your audience/client base engaged and get started today!
Why should your business be on Twitter? It’s a great way to stay connected to your customers, it’s an excellent lead generation platform, you can share information quickly and gather feedback in real time.
Twitter is a recipient driven platform. People choose to follow your account. Messaging is quick to read and write, exchangeable anywhere and is easy to integrate into multiple networks such as Twitter, Instagram, and your website.
There are a few cautions to note. Be sure to check out the profile before you follow someone. Pornography sites are prevalent, hackers are present, and stay away from people selling “followers”. Lastly, be careful about aggressive tweeting – hounding people to follow you, pushing people to interact, you could get your account shut down. Respect the platform and see who starts to follow you and be sure to follow those whose tweets you want to see more of.
Messaging is limited to 140 characters per tweet (for now). This includes website links and pictures. Be sure that you write well though. Don’t start using short hand unless it’s necessary. You’ll find the more you’re on Twitter, the more concise your writing will become!
Best Practices
SHARE! Share photos and behind the scenes info about your business. Even better, give a glimpse of developing projects and events. Users come to Twitter to get and share the latest, so give it to them!
Listen. Regularly monitor the comments about you, your co-workers and your company, brand, and products.
Ask – Respond – Engage
Ask questions of your followers to gain valuable insights and show you are listening.
Respond to compliments and feedback as soon as you can.
Engage existing & prospective clients; it may not seem so, it adds a personal touch.
Demonstrate Wider Leadership. Reference articles and links about the bigger picture as it relates to your business.
Champion Your Stakeholders. Retweet and reply publicly to great tweets posted by your followers and customers.
Establish the right voice.
Twitter users tend to prefer a direct, genuine, and of course, a likable tone from you, think about your voice as you Tweet. How do you want your business to appear to the Twitter community?
The very best way to become comfortable within Twitter, is to start using it. Search for people and businesses to follow. Start with following your current clients. Then start Tweeting.
You can also attend one of our many Marketing for Small Business classes. We offer training on how to choose the right social platform for your business as well as how to use those platforms. Our next HOW TO: Twitter class is on Wednesday, October 5, 2016 from 11:30 – 1:00pm. Register here today!
Winter Classes Scheduled
We are excited to announce that our ALL NEW Marketing for Small Business, Winter Seminar Series have been scheduled. We are offering two different programs:
Marketing for Small Business, The Basics
Blogging: Tuesday, February 2, 2016 11:30 – 1:00pm
Social Media: Tuesday, February 9, 2016 11:30 – 1:00pm
Email | Direct Mail: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 11:30 – 1:00pm
Search Engine Optimization: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 11:30 – 1:00pm
Marketing for Small Business, 2.0
TWITTER 2.0: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 11:30 – 1:00pm
FACEBOOK 2.0: Tuesday, March 22, 2016 11:30 -1:00pm
LinkedIN 2.0: Tuesday, March 29, 2016 11:30 – 1:00pm
Classes have a maximum of 15 students for personalized learning and maximum interaction. Cost is $30 per person, per class (with discounts for multiple class registration), and lunch is included. The series is held at our facility in the heart of the Houston Museum District.
We’ve had over 60 attendees in the past year, and classes fill quickly. Register today.
Marketing for Small Business Fall Seminar Series Review
The final 2014, Marketing for Small Business Seminar Series kicks off next week with with our Blogging class on Wednesday, October 29, 2014 between 11:30 – 1:00pm.
We have compiled results from the over 48 surveys submitted by participants since the inception of this program in July; and are proud to share the results! 90% of the respondents rated the classes as Excellent, 70% attended multiple classes within the series, and 97.3% said they would recommend classes to their friends and colleagues.
Each class covers a specific topic and is focused on teaching ways that small businesses can market using leading-edge technology without “breaking the bank” or having to hire a large staff to execute the plan. The classes (Blogging, Social Media, Two Mails: Direct Mail | e-mail, and Search Engine Optimization) are limited to a maximum of 8 people to keep interaction at a high level and allow for personalized teaching. For details and registration on the remaining classes, click here.
Our students gave specific examples of what they thought was good about the seminars. See below for a glance at a few highlights:
Our valued graduates let us know that they are looking for additional class offerings as well. We are currently creating content for the most requested subjects and will offer continuing education in the first quarter of 2015. The new curriculum will include more guest lecturers and expanded content from the our original series. In case you missed one of the original sets or would like to recommend someone, we will continue to offer the introduction of Marketing For Small Business Series once each quarter in 2015.
We look forward to working with more new companies and expanding our relationship with our existing clients through further education of Marketing for Small Business.
Thank you!